Taking control of goods - online qualification

What can you do in the middle of a pandemic when you need to progress field agents and training enforcement agents towards certification, as well as support local authority teams who need to learn about the Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2013?
Moodle learning platform
In 2018, we invested in Moodle, a leading online learning platform, to complement and support our classroom training programme for our qualifications endorsed by CILEx (Chartered institute of Legal Executives).
It provides delegates with written and video course material, online exam availability and full training history all in one place.
This has proved to be a wise investment during the pandemic, as we have been able to continue to provide level 2 and level 3 “Taking Control of Goods” (TCoG) training and exam assessment to clients and our employees via distance learning.
TCoG qualifications
Achievement of the level 2 TCOG award is a prerequisite for becoming a certificated enforcement agent. We train our own agents, as well as others in the industry, being one of just three CIVEA appointed training providers for this qualification.
To garner feedback on how the distance learning training works, we asked three of our team who have just successfully completed level 2 TCoG as part of their career progression from field agent to certificated enforcement agent, and one of our current level 3 TCoG delegates, who does not work as an enforcement agent, for their feedback.
Delegate feedback – level 2 TCoG award
As all three were field agents working towards certification, and therefore career progression, they found the training very interesting and helpful, especially for one delegate who was new to the industry.
They all found the learning to be a massive help in preparing them for their new role, once certificated. They said that learning all the legal details had helped them to be comfortable and confident in dealing with debtors, because they now Have a better understanding of the process and application of taking control of goods.
One of our delegates had extensive experience of online learning from their previous career, one had undertaken a fair amount of distance learning training and one was completely new to it. They all felt it had worked very well and the online exam went smoothly.
They all stated that the videos were good and just like being in the classroom, especially for those who absorb information better in this way, rather than reading.
We are delighted that all three passed the exam and are now awaiting their certification before taking the next step in their careers.
Delegate feedback - level 3 TCoG certificate
For the level 3 certificate the feedback from the delegate (still undertaking the course) was that the platform is very easy to use, the course manual is great and logically structured to build on the learning gained in the level 2 award.
The delegate also found the videos to be extremely helpful, especially the extensive use of real-life examples to illustrate the points being made. They really brought it to life.
Other training
We provide a full portfolio of enforcement industry training – both CILEx endorsed qualifications and quality-marked workshops.
This includes levels 2 and 3 qualifications and a workshop on vulnerability, all of which have been well-received by local authorities who have taken part.
You can see our prospectus on the Excel website.