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Excel Civil Enforcement fully supports the plan announced by the Civil Enforcement Association (CIVEA) for resuming enforcement once lockdown is lifted.
The plan reflects the current situation and will be updated to reflect ongoing changes made by Government.
You can read the full plan here. Below is a summary of the key points:
Before enforcement visits recommence, debtors will receive a standardised pre-visit letter to encourage payment and to understand how debtors have been impacted by the pandemic. Support and signposting to the advice sector will be offered.
When enforcement can resume, individuals will be given 30 days’ notice of a visit by an enforcement agent, unless the creditor has specific requirements. This is to give debtors more time to engage before incurring additional fees from a visit.
All Excel’s enforcement agents are currently undertaking additional, mandatory training through our remote learning platform on protective equipment, social distancing, protecting themselves and the community, as well as refresher training on vulnerability and mental health awareness.
Where we have a phone number, and it is appropriate, we will call in advance of enforcement visits to identify any vulnerabilities or changes in circumstances.
Enforcement visits will restart after lockdown restrictions are lifted.
Vulnerable people or those severely impacted financially by the pandemic will be referred to debt advice agencies for additional support. The case will be monitored, prior to further action. The fees incurred will remain in place.
Visits will be contactless in line with CIVEA safe working practices guidance and enforcement agents will not, for the time being, enter residential dwellings to take control of goods.
We will collect and record details of debtor vulnerabilities in line with data protection requirements.
Where visits are necessary, we will supply enforcement agents with protective equipment and they will undertake social distancing and comply with enhanced hygiene techniques.